Monday, January 30, 2012

I just finished a family photo book of all our 2011 photos. The only time I am productive in that area is when I'm pregnant because I'm too tired to do anything else. So now I am working on 2010. We hardly have any photos of 2008-2009 because the digital files disappeared with the stolen laptop. So the precious few photos I have were ones I posted on a blog that I kept. It was so fun to go back and read some of the entries from the blog So I figure I will start that again. It was good to remember stuff that happened. My favorite was when sam was at a school carnival where they had face painting, and he asked the lady if she would paint a cigarettte sticking out of his mouth with smoke rings coming out! I would have forgotten if i hadnt written it down. So when I update the blog I will copy and paste so you can know the latest happenings too.

So last time I wrote about Emma wearing as little clothes as possible. Now she has gone to the other extreme. One morning after breakfast she dressed herself and came out with 5 pairs of underwear, 2 pair of leggings, 2 dresses, and two shirts on. And when I tried to take a few layers off of her, she was not happy about that, so of course I let it slide because I'm too tired to deal with the resistance, but all day long I kept finding random items of clothing lying around the kitchen, bathroom, couches, and even in the garbage can. I think she got hot after awhile and started slowly peeling layers off.

We've been having quite warm winter weather, so I sit out on a camp chair in the driveway, while Emma tromps around the snow in her moon boots, or rides her scooter or trike. There was still lots of snow on Tuesday, so I had her dressed from in snowpants, boots, coat, gloves and hat. She would run as fast as she could in the snow and purposely fall down. She loved the soft landing in the snow, and loved that she wasn't getting cold because she was all decked out in snowgear. She would use the tree as a pole and hold on as she went around and around, then try to walk in the snow, but because she was dizzy would topple over and laugh. She climbed to the top of a snowhill the kids had built. It took several attempts. When she finaly got on top, she yelled "Rock On" and "hang loose" then came down and insisted on high fives all around. I think she got a healthy start from loving snow from Michael. I remember one time she was crying about something and it was snowing outside. Michael took her outside and asked, "How can you be sad when it is snowing?" And she stopped crying and let the snowflakes fall on her tongue and face, mesmerized by the new experience.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad that you made another post! Are you pregnant?? Hope that you're doing great. You sure have a good looking family! :)
